Saturday, December 31, 2011

this blog thing.

Movies show them. [Cool people blog]. People are talking about them. [Those with things to say start a blog]. Companies use them. [Advertising 101]. I read them. [Can anyone say, vicarious living]. Upon reevaluating for the new year, I asked myself, why not start a blog? Sometimes things sound better when you write them down. Sometimes they sound worse. But regardless, sometimes saying something validates that it is happening. A dose of reality. So begins the start of New Years resolution #1: Blog. Reflect. Challenge. And most of all, learn how NOT to avoid and deflect.

This blog is meant to be a notepad of the next year of my life. A crucial year. If it's anything like 2011, it will be a roller coaster of faith, health, experimentation, academic pursuits, working, traveling, building relationships, and living adventurously. In 2012 I will sign my first lease. Own my first car. [Hopefully] travel quite a bit. Vote in my first presidential election. Move into my first house. Start a garden. Turn 21. Live with  my best friends. I mean, hellllloooooo, sounds like a pretty good time to start writing things down.

As I am on the cusp of this new year, I have a few resolutions for myself. Perhaps sharing them with cyberspace will help me stay true to my ambitions.
     1. Focus on living in the moment. So much of society suggests that we are to plan everything around future endeavors. While this is crucial to success, I don't want to look back on this time of life and only remember being stressed about the future.
     2. [Insert cliche fitness resolution here]. Run 20-25 miles a week every week of janterm. Then increase mileage to 30 miles a week for February. And steadily increase in order to prepare for half marathon.
     3. PBJ time. DO IT. do it. DO. It.
     4. Attend a college youth group of some sort. Get plugged in.
     5. Do one craft project a month for self-care. Pinterest.
     6. Blog at least every other day.

That might be good for now. Knowing I have so much time to grow. 365 days. That's a lot of room for growth.

So here's to a new blog. A new year. A new perspective.

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